Our family has been asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting on Father's Day. They wanted to get us before we leave, I guess. I'm always glad for the opportunity to speak in church, but I'm kind of dreading this one. It will basically be our formal chance to say goodbye to the ward here. I will no doubt be an emotional wreck. Oh well, we'll get through it. Goodbyes are hard, especially when it's to friends you've been close to for five years. The Lovelock ward has been our family away from home and we will definitely miss all of the wonderful people here. They have been so good to us. We have no regrets about coming here in the first place. It is where our family has needed to be. Now, however, the time has come to go back home. Home is home, no matter what they say. We look forward to reuniting with family and friends back in Maine.