Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Laura's Haircut

Laura has been begging me for a while to cut her hair. I finally gave in and did it. This wasn't the style we had in mind when we started, but it's what evolved. I am definitely an amateur hair-stylist, but I think it looks pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Laura loves it, and she's gotten lots of compliments on it.

Ethan's Glasses

Ethan got glasses recently. He has gotten pretty used to wearing them now. Once he misplaced them and was distraught because he thought he would go blind without them. I don't mind if he does think that for now.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Straight Talk

This is my new phone that I got for Christmas. It is a prepaid cell phone that is unlike any previous plans and it's called Straighttalk. I pay just $45/month and it gives me unlimited minutes nationwide, plus unlimited texting (which I never use), plus unlimited internet browsing. It has a full QWERTY keyboard that slides out, which is nice. The best part is that there is no contract to sign so you can never get behind on a payment. If you don't want to pay, you just don't have service until you do, but you don't owe anything. Another nice thing is that my number is a local call from my hometown. This service is carried by Walmart, and it's new. They tested it out in a few stores last summer and have recently expanded to many more. It was a very hot item at Christmastime. I highly recommend this plan to anyone looking for a cell phone provider! (You can also choose to only pay $30/month and that gives you 1000 minutes of talk time plus 1000 text messages and a certain number of hours of browsing.)