Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nice Day For a Picnic

This was taken on Saturday, when it was sunny and about 75 degrees. Today is 84, but we're supposed to get a thunderstorm tonight. The temperatures will drop off back to the low 60s for the next forseeable future. I think we'll be mowing the lawn in the next week or so.

Thomas the Tank. Period.

Thomas went in for a checkup and shots the day after he turned four months old. His weight was in the 85th percentile, but his length was in the 98th. He's a tall boy, I guess. His thunder thighs are nothing to scoff at either.

Mary Is A Little Lamb...

We had another new lamb born a couple of weeks ago. It was a total surprise because we didn't even know that ewe was pregnant. This one is a ewe and the kids named her Mary. As you can see, Lambchop, the first lamb born this year, is quite big now (He's the brown one).

Monday, April 13, 2009

James' Baptism

James was baptized on March 21st. It was a small service, but nice. This second picture is what we used for the front of the program. It's hard to believe that we now have six baptized kids!