Friday, November 21, 2008

My Baby's Not A Baby Anymore

Ethan is almost three, and even before that, he will become a big brother. He is such an enjoyable kid to have around. He entertains us all with the stuff he comes up with and is currently everyone's favorite pet. He's just beginning to experiment with potty training, which is always an adventure. His favorite thing to watch is a sing-along DVD of the 2007 Primary songs. He watches it at least once a week. He also sometimes watches "The Upside-Down Show," which features two Australian guys that have an imaginary remote that they hand to the viewer to press certain buttons that make them do things. When Ethan is playing around, he often tells me that he will press the temple song button and then I will have to sing the temple song (I Love to See the Temple). Now he's at the point where he'll sing it himself and it's pretty cute. Yesterday I caught him trying to play "The Temple Song" on Laura's recorder while wearing Adam's Taz hat. This is what I was able to capture.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jessica's First Dance

Jessica went to her first dance tonight. She got her hair cut this past week and we even bought some makeup, which she was reluctant to agree to. After I helped her put it on, though, I think she was pleased with the outcome. These are some pictures I snapped just before she went out the door. She was riding down with Uncle Bob and Dillon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Time Out For Women

The five of us had a great time at Time Out For Women in Springfield, Massachusetts, back in September. These are some pictures that Kristal got of us while there. Unfortunately, none are very flattering of me since I am in my last trimester of pregnancy. Oh well. Here they are anyway--

This is all of us in front of the sign displaying the theme for the year, which was "A Joyful Life."

Here we are with Kim Nelson, a marriage and family counselor, who spoke to us on Friday night and was excellent. He sang a couple of songs with Michael McLean accompanying him. He had a wonderful voice, although he said he was an amateur and had no self-confidence. He is currently serving as a bishop. I told him he should join his ward choir. He said he doesn't read music, but I said any choir director would be happy to have him anyway.

This, of course, is Michael McLean. He was great, as always. We also got to meet Kenneth Cope, who was equally impressive. It is so great to have these programs available. I'm glad we got to attend this time. They will not be coming back to New England until 2010, so Mum can count on coming with us next time.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The first picture is of my cupcakes. I tried to get them to look like the ones in the magazine, but there were a few ingredients we had to do without. The rest of these are each of the kids beside their own creations. It was lots of fun, even though it was late on a Friday evening and I was tired. Ethan had already eaten his cupcakes when I got the camera out. I also noticed that most of these guys really needed haircuts at that time. They have since had them :) I'm just not a fan of this sickening 70s shaggy look that boys try to sport these days. We have had to do some pretty tough convincing to get our older boys to agree to haircuts. It has been worth it!

Halloween: A Month Late

Computer Glitch

I really do have an excuse for not posting for a while on here. Our computer is such that I just take my memory card from the camera and stick it in the corresponding drive on the computer to upload photos. However, recently it hasn't been working. It always says there's an error with the drive. I don't know what's up. I decided that maybe (if I can find the cord) I can try to use the method I use for uploading video, through a cord plugged into a different drive. We'll see. I have some pictures of some Halloween cupcakes the kids decorated back near the beginning of October, but it may be too late to post them since we're definitely past that season and into another. Now, where's that cord...?