The first picture is of my cupcakes. I tried to get them to look like the ones in the magazine, but there were a few ingredients we had to do without. The rest of these are each of the kids beside their own creations. It was lots of fun, even though it was late on a Friday evening and I was tired. Ethan had already eaten his cupcakes when I got the camera out. I also noticed that most of these guys really needed haircuts at that time. They have since had them :) I'm just not a fan of this sickening 70s shaggy look that boys try to sport these days. We have had to do some pretty tough convincing to get our older boys to agree to haircuts. It has been worth it!
We were just looking at the pics and Todd commented on how we never see Susannah in a picture. We'd love to see you too!
loved the spooky cakes and the smiling faces we miss sooo much!
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