Thursday, December 4, 2008

Five More Days...

My doctor called me this morning to figure out a game plan for getting this baby here. We decided on Tuesday, the 9th. I'll show up early in the morning at the hospital and I'll get an epidural before they start pitocin, so I won't have to feel anything. Nice! It looks like our 9th will be born on the 9th. This is the only baby that will have a single digit birth date. The kids are excited for the big event. We've decided to let them stay home instead of being farmed out. That way, they can be available to come and visit and shouldn't really have to be on their own too long anyway. I told them that Dad usually stays with me during labor and delivery, and then spends a little time with the new baby before coming home. He'll likely be home that evening and available for them on subsequent days that week. If it should happen to take longer than we anticipate, we have people who could come get or stay with kids. Given my history, though, it probably won't take even all day. At least now we know when D-Day is, so we can have something to plan on.


Rheanna said...

The 9th is quite popular-Hyrum's Sept. 9th, Alec's Nov. 9th and now we'll have a Dec. 9th too!

Heidi said...

Great to hear - we'll keep tuned in. We jump for the phone every time it rings!

Aunt T said...

Dec. 9th is my brother's birthday! I can't wait to see pictures of your new addition. I hope you're feeling well. Love ya, Tracey