Friday, April 4, 2008

Mrs. Butterworth's

I know most of you moms out there have experienced this type of thing before, but it's been a while for me since I had a two-year-old (4 years). Ethan is into everything! He constantly raids the pantry, so I have to be careful what I keep in there. I thought I had put every tempting thing up out of his reach, but I guess I was wrong. He found the Sam's Club size jug of Mrs. Butterworth's syrup way in the back on the bottom shelf and poured large puddles of it throughout the kitchen, including on the rugs. Needless to say, he had a bath afterwards. That was some tricky stuff to clean up. The rugs luckily could go in the washer, but the stuff on the bare floor was another matter. I used about half of a new roll of paper towels and then got a wet towel to wash up the sticky residue. The syrup bottle was down about 3 inches from where it was. I was pretty upset, but Ethan didn't seem phased at all. He scrunched up his face, and with a very serious expression, said, "That was naughty!" He then proceeded to run off and play. Such is the life of a two-year-old.


Unknown said...

What a mess. That would sure be annoying. Sticky floors are the worst.

Rheanna said...

Sorry about your mess---it's sad sometimes the things they think up to get into! Really, I'm convinced they are geniuses :o) Good to see you blogging again!